970.308.0334 [email protected]

Welcome To


& Neuro Bodyworks

Welcome to Metteluna Massage & Neuro Bodyworks, where we offer a

new paradigm of pain relief.

Our innovative approach combines traditional massage with advanced neurological bodywork methods. It is our goal to provide unique solutions for chronic pain and movement dysfunctions, that when left unattended can often lead to bigger issues and often surgery.

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At Metteluna, we go beyond typical massage therapy to address the root causes of chronic pain and movement restrictions. Our goal is to relieve hidden stressors, helping you feel youthful and capable. Whether you need occasional relaxation or a comprehensive reset, Metteluna offers exceptional, personalized care.

Discover the freedom and vitality that come with effective pain relief. Please give us a call, email us, or simply fill out the contact form below to schedule your session today!

Many clients at Metteluna Massage benefit from advanced support through functional movement practice in our attached gym. Sierra, a skilled therapist and personal trainer, incorporates personalized training into sessions, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your therapy. This integrated approach ensures comprehensive care, promoting better movement patterns, improved strength, and overall well-being.


Chronic Pain Unwind and Reset

Description: Be Activated is a unique therapy method focused on optimizing the body’s muscle activation patterns. By identifying and correcting dysfunctional muscle sequences, this technique enhances overall performance, prevents injuries, and alleviates chronic pain. Ultimately, the goal is to diminish implosive patterns that perpetuate pain & dysfunction.

Benefits: It helps improve movement efficiency, boosts athletic performance, and promotes faster recovery.

Trigger Point 2.0 Unwind: a specialized technique combining the power of a massage gun with unique Thai massage movements. This method effectively targets and releases deep, painful referral patterns, providing lasting relief and relaxation.

Athlete Reset and Competition Tune-Up

Description: Athlete Reset and Competition Tune-up utilizes targeted pressure and breathing techniques to reset the body’s nervous system, improving muscle function and movement patterns. This method quickly alleviates pain and significantly enhances physical performance. By applying advanced Level 2 and 3 RPR methods, athletes can revamp their strength capacity and Heart Rate Variability, ensuring they are in peak condition. Additionally, athletes are taught to hit their unique patterns, enabling them to integrate these techniques into future workouts as a customized warm-up.


  • Reduces pain and prevents injuries
  • Increases strength and mobility
  • Enhances Heart Rate Variability
  • Provides a comprehensive reset for peak athletic performance
  • Empowers athletes with techniques for ongoing self-improvement

Unique Relaxation Massage

At Metteluna Massage, Sierra, a licensed massage therapist, offers a Unique Relaxation Massage designed to melt away stress and rejuvenate your body and mind. This specialized treatment combines soothing techniques that target areas of tension, promoting deep relaxation and overall well-being.

Relaxation massage is often all we need to transform our week ahead for the positive. By alleviating stress and easing muscle tension, this massage can significantly improve your mood, increase your energy levels, and prepare you to face the challenges of the week with a refreshed and revitalized outlook. Sierra’s expert touch ensures that each session is tailored to your specific needs, making every visit a personalized journey towards tranquility.

Experience the profound benefits of relaxation massage at Metteluna and discover how a single session can positively impact your overall health and well-being. Call, email, or fill out the contact form below to schedule your appointment today!

500 Main St, Windsor, CO 80550, USA


*The Metteluna Massage entrance can be found in the back of the Red Zone Gym, one door down from the Dance Department on the other side of the column. Access is available once your appointment time begins.

A Few Words From Sierra Metteluna

“I am not a common practitioner, with common outlooks, but my intentions are to provide a space for simple, consistent support where progress can take root.

Every once in a while, when life gets stressful, our bodies don’t fully get the opportunity to break away- to reset from the pressures that are impressed within our neurology, our body’s memory-

And this causes our daily ‘functional capacity’ to decline, creating a compounding difficulty in how life feels.

This is why I consider my work going beyond ‘helping your body feel less pain.’

Sometimes it’s something beyond pain.

It’s old functions.

Old stories.

Old ways of being that need help to access the catharsis that allows your mind to finally feel free.

Our tissues are the hard drive for the moments that lead us up to now.

It’s up to us to find the right intervention– to set ourselves free in the moment that we are ready to feel different.

We need help to break from everything that our bodies ‘know to do’.

And interventions imply help. I can count on more than two hands the times I’ve benefited from the support of a bodyworker intervening with my body in a way that allowed me to transmute my mental and physical pain.

In the end, I needed help to transcend what my mere ‘desires to make a change’ were able to do for me.

It’s in that space that I had during sessions of receiving bodywork… in that time to fully tap out of life, to break from the ‘get it done’ and ‘fix it’ mind… where I was able to just receive. Sometimes new feelings would come. Sometimes subtle, sometimes profound. But I would have new thoughts and outlooks that would arrive because I wasn’t in the same body memory any longer. And over the years, I was never the same person. Not my pain, not my outlooks.

Something unique happens when your body gets ‘schooled’ about a determined hopelessness that had over time been ingrained.

This is what changed my life, and I live to be more than a ‘bodyworker.’ I live to be the right mediator between your body and your mind, allowing you to truly unwind from all that no longer serves you.”


Sierra Metteluna

With a decade of athletic experience under my belt, I’ve gained insights into supporting the body through its healing processes and maintaining optimal function. My journey began with my own 15 year long battle with back and knee injuries, where I learned firsthand the importance of proper body care, from failed rehabilitation, loss of hope, to the resurrection of my positive outlooks on my body. During my decade as an athlete, I had experienced some version of each kind of common issue, and was able to build first hand experience with their unique solutions. 

This understanding fueled my motivation to seek out advanced training in neurological bodywork systems, leading me to travel to Chicago and Ohio. There, I immersed myself in learning techniques that are typically reserved for unique physical therapy offices, mastering one-of-a-kind methods that enhance the body’s natural healing capabilities. I furthered my education by beginning the Trigger Point 2.0 method by Chuck Duff, where an entirely new approach is taken to chronic injuries mixing thai massage and a massage gun to truly unlock inhibiting pain-inducing restriction within the nervous system that require an outlook that moves beyond common massage. This did not diminish my joy in massage, however, and I completed my Massage License and continued diving into my passions of tapping into a state of flow with each client. My training equips me to be prepared for emotional trauma release during massage in scenarios where changes in the body and mind begin to envelope into the now.  For this reason I find relaxation massage as useful as my pain relief bodywork systems.

In supporting clients through their pain journey, I found my athletic experience informed my ability to support function movement transformations, and so I deepened this with education in the Pain-Free Performance personal training certification. I utilize access to the gym my studio is attached to to incorporate movements at the end of sessions in order to solidify certain changes.

My goal is to provide a personalized and effective approach to bodywork, helping clients achieve their wellness goals and feel their best.

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”I thought I was going to find just another massage therapist, instead I found personalized care and instruction that has helped me become a better vision of myself on a daily basis. Being able to implement Sierra's therapy immediately after a session in a gym built for intense workouts truly puts your body to the test and allows for you to make changes to your specific compensations.”

– Pat Foxx

”As a high level strength athlete, I constantly have aches and pains that creep in after long periods of heavy lifting. My body feels off and leverages tend to change. What sets Sierra and her body work apart is that she can instantly make me feel like I’m 100% again before a session. I’ve had multiple sessions that I’ve started, felt terrible and had Sierra put hands on me, restart the session and INSTANTLY move the weights better. It happens in real time and instantly changes the way that my body feels. She is very catering to the way that I react to certain areas that she works on. If I’m sensitive, she is patient and lets my body warm up to her before trying to dig into the muscle. Her understanding of the human body is incredible and her ability to problem solve is second to none. I would trust Sierra with my body before any one else.”

– Kolten Betzler

”I have been working w Sierra for about 11 months. I’m a 67 yo female that due to a sedentary lifestyle and extended periods of sitting for work found it harder and harder to stand up straight and walk normally, ultimately bent over and needing a cane. Pain was great 24/7 w little reprieve. Not long after starting w Sierra, she eliminated that awful pain and I began to get good sleep! I’m not saying it’s magic; it is a process. I had spent a fortune on chiropractors and muscle specialists for years, with minimal results. My body is stronger every week w increased range of motion, and I am essentially free of serious pain and sleeping well most nights. Walking is progressing. I’m walking taller w a smoother gait. I still have a ways to go but seeing results is priceless! Sierra has a gift for this and fyi gives the best message I’ve ever had! I unequivocally recommend her for body work!”

– Serena Reed